Due to harassment in 2021, unregistered parties are not eligible for service or support, citing failure to perform minimal duties in regard to competitor fraud in November 2021 in Pontotoc County. Dr. Klepper passed away March 2nd 2022, after 20 years of criminal concealment of her grandchild to extort in ongoing Internationally published threats by NTT GROUP employees in Dallas, Texas and Denton Texas facilities today known as EQUINIX DATA CENTERS and COGENT/NTT-VERIO Group Members. The child taking was premeditated abduction to extort across State lines, refused enforcement and trial by Texas and Oklahoma, with concealment to extort sustained over 2001-2022 concealment of the child from ORDERED SURRENDER to the Oklahoma parent ignored to demand $108,000 USD in fraudulent TITLE IV claim and $40 billion in FEDERAL GRANTS barred by FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 81 NUMBER 244 a legal activity of child welfare agents.
Network services now require a deposit for operations obligated forfeiture on any activity in concert with "restricted parties" or their business activity, citing 11/14/2021 threats to extort under Federal Criminal Complaint.
Proof of such interference was obtained in January 28 2022 and March 3 2022 and April 4 2022 actions to extort, by Texas residents for competitors of record in unfair business practices and to impede and interdict Interstate trade in fraud themed benefits claims barred at law. Attempts to interfere in IRS and Oklahoma Tax Commission duties of the REGISTERED AGENT in 2022 by threat to extort, employing assets of DOMAINREGISTRY.COM in New Jersey and ICELAND, further affirm the right to obtain deposit subject compliance with regional terms and against a proxy effort to gain industrial espionage activity observed November 2021, January 2022, and April 2022 by former ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY employee letters themed in criminal conviction a party of ongoing harassment to extort.
Extortion demands in excess of $10,000 USD per month in writing appear to be component of a foreign claim for equity in the business of RACCOON TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED in concert with child concealment and violation of ORDERED POSSESSION aiding in the death of family members of the child and physical bodily injury, sexual threats, false representation of sexual character, and blackmail barred by the Emmett Till Anti-lynching Act (18 U.S. Code §249) in the United States, with conspiracy to commit a felony predicated ont he prior non-factual equity by competitor-employee of COGENT/NTT union labor sites and services atlas.cogentco.com in Denmark and Dallas Texas convicted criminals employed by data centers competing with this firm commercially.
Network services are restricted to conventional (non-IP7A) support. Rates for Protectorate (domain) services in IP7A are no longer subject to quote without proposal and limited use terms, concerning misrepresentation of products in a scheme themed a 21 O.S. §21-1533 violation begun 2018 November under Federal Civil complaint of "qui tam" (31 U.S.C. §3729(a) Federal fraud) brought by the firm against NTT GROUP contractors and employees stalking of RTI employees to extort Federal benefits in pattern activity violating Oklahoma State Law.
These claims are evident in ongoing extortion concerning the death of RTI employee family members and the impersonation of such persons in Oklahoma to extort, using fraudulent guardianship and mental health schemes of criminal design barred by law per 43A O.S. §43A-5-104 and 21 O.S. §21-1533 and §21-1304 rule; a form of identity theft in presentation of a "power of attorney" in medical care as a false legal instrument then contributing to the death of an employee family member in 2002 March 2nd.
NTT subsidiary COGENT COMMUNICATIONS per 8-k filing, is a subsidiary in merger with NTT and carrier of such claims in Dallas Texas and by TEK SYSTEMS and other subcontractors so done to impose fraud and fear to impair the business in taking for concealment of a child from the deceased grandmother and retired pediatrician in City of Ada, Oklahoma in 2001-2022 death.
This program affords an orientation period and trial for potential clients of dedicated services and support. It is not open to the general public, and requires approval from Raccoon Technologies Incorporated for client identity, history, and use case.
RACCOON TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED will not approve any use case involving gambling, solicitation for adult content before children, giveaways of product to minors, or other interactive media which may impair children or encourage gambling or lewd behavior to monetize young audiences.
This distinguishes the firm from other providers in general hosting, and incorporates a use-case and 'scope of work' agreement to ensure compliance citing the Buffalo NY massacre and other use of streaming media platforms to promote violence and hate crime activity with injury, organized syndicated crime, or abuse of persons and minorities.
For more information contact 1 (855) 505 0784.
No soliciting permitted.
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